Welcoming Schools Annual Reports
Explore Welcoming Schools in depth annual reports sharing out key data findings and celebrating developments of the program.
Understanding the data on bullying, gender, families, and LGBTQ youth helps communicate the need for a welcoming school.
A look at the research provides insight into:
Did you know?
For all students to thrive academically and socially, it is critical to create a welcoming school environment.
Read Moreabout Key Data to Support Developing a Welcoming SchoolExplore Welcoming Schools in depth annual reports sharing out key data findings and celebrating developments of the program.
In August 2020, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released public access data files for the 2019 Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance (YRBS), a national survey of high school…
Key Points
Students cannot get to learning if they are not feeling safe, seen, and valued. Equity and diversity topics ARE about academic achievement.
For all students to thrive academically and socially, it is critical to create a welcoming school environment.
(With some research to back them up.)