it is the job of educators to establish LGBTQ and gender inclusive environments where all students are safe, affirmed and can thrive - socially, emotionally, and academically.
Is your school LGBTQ and gender inclusive? Here are just a few questions to think about.
The Welcoming Schools Instructional Resource Guides are designed to provide secondary educators with extended learning opportunities for students to explore LGBTQ+ and gender topics through literature.
Welcoming Schools secondary book lists are designed to help educators create classrooms, libraries and schools that are affirming of LGBTQ+ students, families and staff with high quality literature. A key…
In August 2020, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released public access data files for the 2019 Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance (YRBS), a national survey of high school…
Parents and caregivers may find themselves, depending on circumstances, having to play a more active role in “educating the educators” as to what the school needs to do to support…
It doesn’t matter if it is a first grader who might not
know what the word “gay” means, a sixth grader trying
to sound cool or a tenth grader “teasing”…
Note: These definitions are for adults and older students.